Keynote Session / Tuesday / September 10, 2024 / 8:00 AM

Customer Engagement Key to Building Shoe Empire

Neely Woodson Powell not only took the right step from the start in launching the Charleston Shoe Company 27 years ago but kept strutting through challenges to become a multi-billion dollar retail empire. Powell will share how customer engagement and providing ‘shoe joy’ proved successful for her iconic national brand of versatile and fashionable footwear.

CX Innovators Podcast: Charleston Shoe Company founder talks customer engagement


Neely Powell | CEO & Founder | Charleston Shoe Company
As founder and CEO of the now iconic national footwear brand Charleston Shoe Company, Neely Powell is the mind behind the ever-growing retail brand. Since opening the first store about 25 years ago in Savannah, they have expanded nationwide to dozens of major cities. Charleston Shoe Company’s unique features consist of their treaded soles, elastic straps, washability, and bold designs, which has earned the company a loyal following across the country. Their shoes have been sold in more than 800 boutiques across the U.S., which highlights the mass appeal of their footwear.